Present perfect simple and continuous quiz

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She has ________ letters all morning.
  1. ? written
  2. ? been writing
She has _________ six letters this morning.
  1. ? written
  2. ? been writing
I've ____________ this watch since I was at school. We've ___________ a great time. Why don't you join us? Your voice sounds strange. Have you
  1. ? been drinking?
  2. ? drunk?
I've ____________to call her all morning.
  1. ? tried
  2. ? been trying
How long have you ___________, Mr Simpkins?
  1. ? waited
  2. ? been waiting
I've _____________him that all day.
  1. ? told
  2. ? been telling
If I've_________you once, I've_________ you a thousand times, do not climb on that wall!
  1. ? been telling
  2. ? told
I've_________ her five times this morning.
  1. ? called
  2. ? been calling
What has she ________ to her hair? It looks awful! I've _________enough, thanks. We've _____________ up the Christmas decorations. Are you going to help?
  1. ? been putting
  2. ? put
We've ___________ to find a new flat but they're all so expensive.
  1. ? tried
  2. ? been trying
Sorry about the mess - I've __________ the kitchen.
  1. ? painted
  2. ? been painting
She's__________in five different countries at various times in her life.
  1. ? lived
  2. ? been living
They've _________ away for the week. Oh damn! I've____________ a glass.
  1. ? broken
  2. ? been breaking

You've ____________ glasses again, haven't you? There were six when I looked the other day and now there are only three.

  1. ? been breaking
  2. ? broken
I think you've _________ enough of the present perfect! Quizzes - multiple choice / short answer

Present perfect simple and continuous quiz 3
Eighteen-question multiple-choice quiz. Complete the sentences or choose the best responses.

Present perfect simple and continuous quiz 2
Twelve-question multiple-choice quiz with feedback. Focuses on states and actions, and the key concepts of repetition, duration and completion.

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