Right to Know Act (AB 1291)

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The California Right to Know Act (AB 1291- Lowenthal) will modernize current privacy law and give Californians an effective tool to monitor how personal information, including about health, finances, your location, politics, religious, sexual orientation, buying habits, and more, is being collected and disclosed in unexpected and potentially harmful ways.

Did you know?

The White House, Federal Trade Commission, and California Attorney General all call for data transparency and access for consumers. AB 1291 would meet that call by giving Californians the Right to Know.

What’s happening to your personal information? It’s time to demand the Right to Know so you can better protect your privacy, personal safety, and financial security. Contact your legislator today and urge them to support the Right to Know Act.

The California Right to Know Act is authored by Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal (D-Long Beach), co-sponsored by the ACLU of California and supported by a diverse coalition of organizations that work every day to safeguard the privacy, personal safety, and financial security of Californians and their families.