Stellaris Alien Box Quick Guide

Do you want to know what the Alien Box is in Stellaris? This is a link to the chain of events for the Orbital Speed ​​Demon anomaly.

It usually spawns on asteroids and once completed you can add a permanent free trait to the main view of your empire. There are five possible event stages, some of which offer branching options: open the crate immediately, or explore it first, or even sell it and complete the chain sooner.

If you save it, you will be given a special project to open it, after which you will be offered one of several other options. Depending on the option you choose, your main view will have a new feature. This event has changed from its original incarnation, when the box upgraded a negative trait to a positive one, or gave you an upgraded version of an existing positive trait.

This was changed as part of the 2.2 update to the current version. You can see the chain of events as seen in-game on the official Paradox wiki, but we've briefly described each stage.

Stellaris Alien Box Event

Here is a full breakdown of the orbital speed demon chain of events.

Orbital Speed ​​Demon – First Stage

As long as it's not machine intelligence, the first phase of the chain of events can kick into gear, and you'll be presented with three options. The first two involve trying to interact with an object, and the last one essentially means going back and ending the chain immediately. If you choose the last option, your science ship will get 200 xp, otherwise the chain of events will go to the next phase after some time.

Orbital Speed ​​Demon – Second Stage

The second phase offers you the possibility to open the box, examine it or dispose of it. The first option will take you directly to the fourth stage, while the second will take you to the third. Getting rid of the box completes the chain of events, and your science ship gains 300 HP.

Orbital Speed ​​Demon – Third Stage

If you decide to explore the alien box in the second phase, you will be given a special project that you must complete before the third phase begins. Once you've completed it, you'll be back with the option to open the crate or sell it. Opening the box will give you 150 to 10.000 physics research points and another special project to advance to the fourth stage.

The sale of the box completes the event change and you will earn 100 to 500 energy and mineral credits, followed by 120 to 10.000 physics research points.

Orbital Speed ​​Demon – Fourth Stage

Regardless of whether you went directly to unlock the alien crate from the second phase or decided to explore it first, you will need to complete a special project Hack the Alien Crate before starting the fourth phase.

Once opened, you will be presented with four options. You can use any of the three vials (red, blue and green) or sell them. The sale of the vials completes the chain of events and grants you 150 to 1.000 energy credits and 100 to 500 minerals.

If you use any of the colored vials, you will go to the fifth stage, and each vial has its own final stage.

Orbital Speed ​​Demon – Fifth Stage

The fifth and final stage will begin a few days after the player has chosen one of the colored jar options from the fourth stage. The chain of events ends at this stage regardless of which option you choose, but each vial will modify the main view of the player's empire with a new positive trait, as follows:

red solution – gives the Social Pheromones trait, which permanently reduces the population's housing usage by 5%.

blue solution – Grants the Limited Regeneration trait, which increases the leader's life by ten years and permanently reduces ground army damage by 10%.

green solution – Grants the Bio-Adaptability trait, which permanently increases habitability by 5%.

Congratulations, you have completed the chain of events associated with the Stellaris Alien Crate.

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